Tuesday, 17 April 2012

User Interface Design Fundamentals

  1. Know your user

  2. Pay attention design objectives

  3. Stay consistent UI development

  4. Communicate clear ideas

  5. Improve your creative on UI development here and there

  6. Get feedback

  7. Provide your feedback

  8. Clear your design

  9. Become experienced yourself

  10. Speak their language

  11.  Keep going

Know your user 

Your user’s dream are your dream.  So get all about your user’s  skills and experience, and what they need. Find out what interfaces they like and sit down and watch how they use them.   

Pay attention design objectives 

By using familiar UI styles, you will help your users feel better.  

Stay consistent UI development

Your UI design should be consistency. Then only users can better understanding of how things will work, increasing their efficiency.  

Communicate clear ideas

User interface design important for every development. .. often have some good ideas as to how the user interface should be developed. .... communicating clearly and simply in the user's own language, and providing good output.  

Improve your creative on ui development here and there

Visualize your interface in a way that allows the user to focus on what is most important. The size, color, and placement of each element work together, creating a clear path to understanding your interface.  

Get feedback

Get you users feedback both right and wrong or misunderstood. No matter how clear your design is, people will make command. Your UI should allow for and tolerate user view.  

Provide your feedback

You are a creative professional, not a laborer. You know the UI desing better Than they feel. So keep your dream and focus your user needs.  

Clear your design

Whenever you are thinking about adding a new feature or element on your interface, ask the question, “The user really need this?”. Make simple and clear UI interface

Become experienced yourself

Where am I?, What can I do here?, What can I do further? - Try to answer these questions instantly. If you can convince your user that this is the right UI for them in the first couple of seconds, they will surely dive deeper.

Speak their language

Make clear and concise labels for actions and keep your messaging simple. Your users will appreciate it, because they won’t hear you – they will hear themselves.

By using familiar UI styles, you will help your users feel better.  

Keep Going

When developing interfaces that you need to fail fast, and iterate often. When creating a UI, you will make mistakes. Just keep moving forward, and remember to keep your UI out of the way.  

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