Thursday, 26 September 2013


Wireframe is the visual guideline it’s signifying skeleton framework. It is a more valuable process method in any website and project. Wireframe design really more time saving process. The purpose is usually being informed by a business objectives and creative ideas. Wireframe can be pencil drawing or sketch on white board or using some software. Wireframe designs generally done my UI Consultant, User Experience Designers, Business Analysts etc.,

Wireframe Types
  1. Low Fidelity
  2. High Fidelity 
Low Fidelity
Low Fidelity is the basic wireframe concept. It will be use communication level and then quick development purpose.  Low Fidelity only information design based on that designer can start visual design, developer can understand functional level.     

High Fidelity
High Fidelity is the clear documented high level functional framework it will cover overall product and project lifecycle. In this document clearly explain UX, Usability and Development guideline. It will help to increase understanding and deliverable for both designer and programmer.

Elements of Wireframe
  1. Information 
  2. Navigation 
  3. Design (UI Design, Visual Design, Interface Design, Mock Design)
Information Design
Information design is the detailed planning of design architecture. It will cover overall project or product necessary information. Information design should be meet user objectives. It should be content, plan, sketches, drawings or document.  

Navigation Design
Navigation stands out from the crowd, to be memorable. Users want to come back and use our interface or get in touch with it. So navigation is very important in wireframe design. There are several navigation procedure available like Card Sorting, User Centered Design Process Map, Organization Schemes, Organization Structure, Organization Content, Breadcrumb Navigation, Links, and Interaction. 

Design (UI Design, Visual Design, Interface Design, Mock Design)
Our design should be focus creative concept then only our designs talk to our users. First understand our audience needs. How they work, what they want, where the go, how they use it once you understand these concepts your design will reach globally. 

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